Tuesday, July 16, 2013



Don't think PINK?  Ok, be honest, what is the first thing you think about? If you said Pink, than you are right. 

This psychological approach was released last week by the Broward County Sheriff's Office in anticipation of the Trayvon Martin verdict that was sure to create a racial divide amongst many in our nation. This case revolved around a 17 year old black teenager who was walking home with a bag of Skittles when a white-hispanic man named George Zimmerman (the neighborhood watch captain) began to follow Martin. During a couple of 911 calls it is evident that Zimmerman is concerned about Martin walking around the neighborhood in a hoodie and acting suspicious. In one of the final 911 calls, an altercation breaks out, this ultimately ends in Zimmerman being attacked by Martin and the result is a dead 17 year old kid. Zimmerman claims self defense or in the state of Florida, he fell under the "Stand your ground law" which provides citizens the right to protect themselves in the event they fear for their own life. Over the weekend, the jury in the trial found George Zimmerman, not guilty citing that specific law. 

This video was anticipating a severe racial divide in the event that he was found not guilty. It was an admirable cause to believe that the PSA would provide a level of support for those who feel that law enforcement is out to get them, and therefore, the rioting and protests would be minimal or non-existant. It goes back to the idea of "don't think pink". It's the first thing you think about because reverse psychology is not based on a do as I say theory, it focuses on those fence sitters or swing voters, and makes them commit to one side of the debate. It is almost a method to help individuals do exactly the opposite of what you want them to do in the first place. - Don't think pink! Did it work? 

This PSA creates a level of cognitive dissonance. It relates to a theory referred to as “invisibility of whiteness” – the phenomenon that when someone’s skin is white, they tend to not think their race is even a factor in who they are as a person (Dr. Rebecca Diverniero). The complete opposite of this is how color effects the thoughts and cultural perspective of those who are not part of the in-group or dominant group. It is almost a part of their past and cultural understanding that they cannot shake. 

The jury didn't believe that Zimmerman broke the law under "stand your ground" and therefore didn't have reasonable cause to convict him. I am going to throw an idea out there, take it for what it's worth. I believe that this concept "invisibility of whiteness" played a role in the end result of this verdict. I am not saying that what Martin/Zimmerman did or did not do was right or wrong, however, it is worth examining that all six jurors in the case were white females. It may just be that they could not relate to the racial reality that exists in those not of the dominant group.  

This PSA has even more impact now. The case verdict was not guilty and we are in the third day of rioting throughout many parts of the county. White people are being beaten by black people to pay respect for Trayvon (Baltimore, MD) and who knows what the future holds. 

Will the racial divide continue to increase or will ads like these help to bridge the racial gap? Time will be the determining factor. 

Racial tensions are high... 

Raise your voice, Not your hands!

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